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Hey you! Welcome into my universe!

I’m Yaëlle and I’m a writer/director. My favorite thing in the world is to share stories, whether it is through movies, short stories, or photographs.


My journey into film started in the city where I grew up, Versailles. Fascinated by the mystery and history of the city, I began to imagine mysteries and riddles everywhere I looked. This experience gave me the urge to convey my unique perspective and the mystery I see all around me, through the medium of film.


I had the chance to pursue an MFA in Film & TV Production at Loyola Marymount University and to really develop my artistic voice. I quickly understood that I wanted to create movies that would leave my audience confused, disoriented, and with a lot of questions on their mind. And this led me to direct two psychological thrillers. My latest to date, ‘Life on a Tropical Island’, is set in an eerie casting agency/plastic surgery clinic, and tackles the pressure of beauty standards in the entertainment industry, 


Crafting stories and movies is the only way I feel I can truly express myself, and I believe that storytelling is my greatest strength. I have a constant desire to share my ideas and emotions through art, and I pour my heart and soul into every single project I work on.


I hope that by looking at my films you’ll enjoy the journey into my mind. If you find that they resonate with you, please don’t hesitate to connect with me :)

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